Aja Dibbs

Mike & I were fascinated with all we had learned and decided immediately this was the route we were going to take. I am so glad Mike was on board because when I first mentioned to him about natural birth he was not so sure. The class opened our eyes to the way birth could be. My surges were strong! I tried to concentrate on The Birth Year tracks playing. I was listening to my body, it was time to push. I felt nervous to push but knew that the sooner my little girl was here the sooner I would feel better. I breathed her down with every surge. Little by little I could feel her getting closer. I could feel the ring of fire as her head started to come.  My body stopped surging for what felt like a lifetime. I tried not to move while I waited. Finally, a surge came and I breathed her little body out of me. My baby was laid on my chest. I could not believe she was here! She was perfect!